Emancipatory Human Rights and the University (2024). Co-edited with Dr. Andre Keet, Nelson Mandela University. Publisher: Routledge.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Tibbitts, F. (2023). Revitalizing the Mission of Higher Education through a Human Rights-Based Approach. Prospects. Special issue devoted to UNESCO’ Futures of Education initiative.
Olle Nolgård, Thomas Nygren, Felisa Tibbitts, Anamika Anamika, Denise Bentrovato, Paul Enright, Johan Wassermann, Oakleigh Welply (2020). A global history in a global world? Human rights in history education in the Global North and South, Historical Encounters, 7(1).
Tibbitts, F. (2020) Deliberative democratic decision making, universal values, and cultural pluralism: A proposed contribution to the prevention of violent extremism through education. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 48 (1), pp. 79-94. DOI: 10.1007/s11125-019-09444-2
Yemini, M. Tibbitts, F. and Goren, H. (2018). Trends and Caveats: Global Citizenship Education within the Teacher Education Literature, Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, pp. 77-89.
Tibbitts, F. and Weldon, G. (2017). History curriculum and teacher training: shaping a democratic future in post-apartheid South Africa? Comparative Education, 53(3), pp. 442-461.
Tibbitts, F. (2016). Political Autobiography: Reflexive Inquiry in the Preparation of Social Justice Educators. International Journal of Educational Sciences. 13(1), pp. 108-117.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Women’s Human Rights Education in Turkey: Feminist Pedagogy and Trainer’s Engagement in Social Change. Journal of Peace Education, 13(1), pp. 41-59.
Tibbitts, F. (2014). Human Rights Education Here and Now: U.S. Practices and International Processes. Journal of International Social Studies. 4(2).
Tibbitts, F. and Kirchschläger, P.G. (2010). Perspectives of Research on Human Rights Education. Journal of Human Rights Education 2(1), pp. 8-29.
Tibbitts, F. (2006). Learning from the Past: Supporting Teaching through the Facing the Past History Project in South Africa. Prospects, Vol. XXXVI: No.3. Geneva: Institute for Bureau of Education, UNESCO.
Tibbitts, F. (2002). Emerging Models for Human Rights Education. International Review of Education, 48(3-4), pp. 159-171.
Tibbitts, F. (2001). Prospects for Civics Education in Transitional Democracies: Results of an Impact Study in Romanian Classrooms. Intercultural Education, 12(1).
Guest Editor
Tibbitts, F. and Katz, S. (2018). Dilemmas and Hopes for Human Rights Education: Curriculum and Learning in International Contexts. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 47 (1-2).
Fritzsche, K.P. and Tibbitts, F. (eds.) (2006). International Perspectives on Human Rights Education. Special issue of Journal of Social Science Education, (1).
Tibbitts, F. (2005). Human Rights Education and Transformative Learning.” Special issue of Intercultural Education, 16(2).
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Tibbitts, F. and Sirota, S. (2022). Human Rights Education. In Tierney,R., Rizvi, F., Ercikan, K. and Smith, G. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th edition. London: Elsevier.
Tibbitts, F. and Sirota, S. (2022). The Human Rights Imperative in Teacher Education. In Atler, G. And Fernekes, W. The Human Rights Imperative in Teacher Education. Rowan and Littlefield series Global Teacher Education.
Tibbitts, F. and Hagenaars, P. (2020). Planning Human Rights Education for Psychologists. In P. Hagenaars, M. Plavšić, N. Sveaas, U. Wagner and T. Wainwright. Human Rights and Human Rights Education for Psychologists. New York: Routledge.
Tibbitts, F. and Hagenaars, P. (2020). Chapter 32. Education of Psychologists for Human Rights Awareness, Accountability and Action. In N. S. Rubin (ed.) Cambridge Handbook on Psychology and Human Rights. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Tibbitts, F. (2018). Contested Universalism and human rights education: Can there be a deliberative hybrid solution for schooling? In Zembylas, M. and Keet, A. (Eds.), Critical Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy Education. London: Bloomsbury.
Tibbitts, F. (2017). Evolution of Human Rights Education Models. In Bajaj, M. (Ed.), Human Rights Education: Theory, Research, Praxis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Claude, R.P. and Tibbitts, F. (2016). Chapter 20. Right to Education and Human Rights Education. In Claude, R.P., Weston, B. and Grear, A. (Eds.), Human Rights in the World Community, 4th edition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 207-216.
Tibbitts, F. and Keet, A. (2016). Curriculum Reform in Transitional Justice Environments: The South African Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Education and the Schooling Sector. In Zajda, J.(Ed.), Globalisation and Human Rights Education. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Publishing.
Claude, R.P. and Tibbitts, F. (in print). Right to Education and Human Rights Education. In Claude, R.P., Weston, B. and Grear, A. (Eds.), Human Rights in the World Community, 4th edition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Building a Human Rights Education Movement in the United States. In Katz, S. and Spero, A.(Eds.), Bringing Human Rights Education to U.S. Classrooms. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tibbitts, F. and Totten, S. (2012). Human Rights Education. In Pederson, J. and Totten, S. (Eds.) Educating About Social Issues in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 195-221.
Tibbitts, F. (2008). Human Rights Education. In Bajaj, M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Book Chapters
Tibbitts, F., Nygren, T., Novak, J., Bentrovato, D., Wassermann, J, and Anamika (2020). Insights from Students on Human Rights Education in India, South Africa, Sweden and the United States in J. Zajda (Ed.) Human Rights Education Globally. Amsterdam: Springer Books.
Yemini, M. Tibbitts, F. and Goren, H. (2020). Re- and De-contextualizing Global Citizenship Education – Systematic Analysis of the Scholarship in the Field. In John Meyer (ed.), Research on Teaching Global Issues, Research in Social Education series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Tibbitts, F. (2018). Principles for Building Human Rights-Infused Intercultural Competencies. In N. Palaiologou and M. Zembylas Human Rights and Citizenship Education: an intercultural perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
Tibbitts, F. and Nelson, R. (2018). “The treatment of human beings as objects”: How US students view human rights *and how they learned about them in school in A. Magendzo (ed), Pedagogy and Didactics of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seventy years after its promulgation (1948-2018).
Tibbitts, F. (2014). Shadow. In Towards a Just Society: The Personal Journeys of Human Rights Educators. Santiago: Universidad Academia de Humanismo and Minneapolis, MN: Human Rights Center of the University of Minnesota.
Tibbitts, F. (2012). Human Rights Education. In Sinclair, M. (ed.). Education for Global Citizenship. Doha, Qatar: Education Above All.
Tibbitts, F. and Fernekes, W. (2010). Human Rights Education. In Totten, S. and Pederson, J.E. (eds.) Teaching and Studying Social Issues: Major Programs and Approaches. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 87-117.
Elbers, F. and Tibbitts, F. (2004). Using Information Technologies for Human Rights Education. In Georgi, V. and Seberich, M. (eds.), International Perspectives in Human Rights Education. Gutterslöh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers.
Tibbitts, F. (1997). Individualism, collectivism and education in post‑totalitarian Europe. In Bridges, D. Education, autonomy and democratic citizenship in a changing world. London: Routledge.
Tibbitts, F. (1997). Conceptions of Citizenship in Romania. In Tjeldvoll. A. and Nagy, P. Democracy or Nationalism? Education in Post‑Communist Europe. Oslo: Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo.
Darvas, P. and Tibbitts, F. (1992). Educational Change in Central and Eastern Europe: Tradition, Context and New Actors. The Case of Hungary. In A. Tjeldvoll (ed.), Education in East/Central Europe 1991, Special Studies in Comparative Education, Number Thirty. Buffalo, NY: Graduate School of Education Publications.
Wiberg, H. with Tibbitts, F. (1985). On the Relevance of Theories of Aggression for the Study of Macro Conflicts. In UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies – 1983. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Book Reviews/Editorials/Other Articles
Tibbitts, F. (2020). Coronavirus Curriculum. Education International “Worlds of Education” blog.“coronavirus-curriculum”-by-felisa-tibbitts April 15th.
Tibbitts, F. (2018) Human rights education: The good surf and re-claiming human rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 36(1), pp. 64-74.
Tibbitts, F. (2017). Have we made a positive difference? Coyote Magazine, #25. European Union and Council of Europe.
Tibbitts, F. (2017). “Preparing for Difficult Conversations”. Education International “Worlds of Education” blog. July 18.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Response to “The Shaky Legal Foundations of the Global Human Rights Education Project”. Journal of International Social Studies.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Understanding Human Rights: Educational Challenges for the Future. Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 37, pp. 277-283.
Tibbitts, F. (2013). Turkey’s Mixed Record on Rights. Op-ed, Boston Herald, 6/22.
Research and Evaluation Reports
Client: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2022). Member of team that carried out an impact assessment of OHCHR publications 2016-2020.
Client: OSCE (2021). Impact assessment of the Border Security and Management College, 2018-2020.
Tibbitts, F. (2012). Impact Assessment of the Human Rights Education Program for Women (HREP). Prepared for Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tibbitts, F. (2012). Jewish Text Lesson Project of Facing History and Ourselves – Final Evaluation Report. Prepared for the Covenant Foundation. New York.
Education for Change (2011). Global Life Skills Education Evaluation. Prepared for UNICEF. Tibbitts was a member of the evaluation team.
Tibbitts, F. with Foong, D., Kasprzak, T., Keet, A. and Melouk, M. (2010). Impact Assessment of Rights-Education-Action Program (REAP). Prepared for Amnesty International-Norway and Amnesty International –IS.
Tibbitts, F. (2005-8). Assisted in the internal evaluation of the impact of Facing History and Ourselves’ content, pedagogy and mission on the members of the New York City Facing History School community.
Tibbitts, F. and Bonard. P. (2007). Interagency Project for Capacity Building of the African Union Forces in Darfur. External Evaluation. Prepared for United Nations Joint Program Steering Committee.
Tibbitts, F. and Henkes, B. (2006). Juvenile Justice Reform in Five Countries in East Asia and the Pacific. External Evaluation. Prepared for UNICEF’s East Asia and Pacific Regional Office.
Tibbitts, F. (2000). Ford Foundation’s Emergency Set of Grants for Kosovo. External Evaluation. Prepared for the Ford Foundation.
Tibbitts, F. (1999). Human Rights USA Project. External Evaluation. Prepared for the Ford Foundation.
Policy Papers and Guidelines (selective)
Tibbitts, F. (2020). Human Rights Perspective of Citizenship Education in Adult Learning. Prepared for UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
UNESCO – Myanmar (2019). Education for Peace and Sustainable Development in Myanmar under the Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 and their Contributions to Quality Education: An Options Paper.
UNESCO and UNODC (2018). Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education: A Guide for Policymakers. Paris: UNESCO. Tibbitts was the expert drafting the policy guidelines.
Tibbitts, F. (2016). Universal Values: Origins, Debates, Renewals and Schooling. Discussion paper prepared for IBE UNESCO. Unpublished internal document.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Human Rights Education Indicator Framework. Cambridge and London: HRE 2020.
Tibbitts, F. (2014). Building Human Rights-Infused Intercultural Competencies. Paris: UNESCO.
Tibbitts, F. (2012). Guidelines for Human Rights Education in Secondary School Systems. Warsaw: OSCE/ODIHR.
Bonard, P., Docherty, B., Gaggiolo, G., Kawali, D., Syed, S. and Tibbitts, F. (2011). Improving the Protection of Civilians in Situations of Armed Conflict. Fellows Working Paper, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Tibbitts, F. (2008). Regional European Meeting on the World Programme for Human Rights Education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Tibbitts, F. (2004). Literature Review on Outcomes of School-Based Programs related to “Learning to Live Together”. Geneva: International Bureau of Education, UNESCO.
Tibbitts, F. and Torney-Purta, J. (1999). Citizenship Education in Latin America: Preparing for the Future. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.
Tibbitts, F. and Torney-Purta, J. (1999). Education for Democracy Discussion Paper. Prepared for Institute for Educational Policy, Budapest for distribution within the Open Society Foundation network.
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (1997). National Guidelines for Human Rights Education. (Geneva). F. Tibbitts drafted and participated in revision.
Training Manuals, Curricula and Resources
Tibbitts, F., Loni, S., Abrom, A., & Chacon Ugarte, G. (2023). From Commitment to Action: Integrating Sustainable Development into National Education Priorities: A Practical Guide for Policymakers, Practitioners, and Researchers. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Networks (SDSN).
Tibbitts, F. (2022). Human Rights-Based Approach to Higher Education. Lund: Raoul Wallenberg Institute.
Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (2023). Developed an online course on Addressing Hate Speech for UN staff.
UNESCO (2021). Developed and co-facilitated a five-week, online course “Global Citizenship Education” for African primary school teachers.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2021). Developed four hybrid modules to be used in teacher training institutions in Europe. Module topics: Education for Democratic Citizenship and Democratic Culture; Human Rights and Human Rights Education; Culture, Identity, Diversity in Education; Educational Engagement and Participation . Funded by Erasmus.
Generation Human Rights and HREA (2020). “unMASKing: The Pandemic Curriculum Project”. Tibbitts was a co-writer. unMASKing: Pandemic Curriculum — GenHR (
UNESCO and UNODC (2019). Empowering Students for Just Societies: A Handbook for Secondary School Teachers. Paris: UNESCO. Tibbitts was one of two experts who drafted this handbook.
Amnesty International (2019). Write for Rights 2019 Educator’s Guide. Tibbitts was a co-author.
IBE UNESCO (2018). Training Tools for Curriculum Development: A Resource Pack for Global Citizenship Education (GCED). Geneva: IBE-UNESCO. Tibbitts was the primary author.
Lücke, M., Tibbitts, F., Engel, E. and Fenner, L. (Eds). (2016). CHANGE: Combining History Learning and Human Rights Education. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag.
Tibbitts, F. (2015). Curriculum Development and Review for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, in collaboration with UNESCO, OSCE/ODIHR and the Organization of American States.
ICAP (2013). Human Total: A Violence Prevention Learning Resource. Washington, DC: International Center for Alcohol Policies. Tibbitts was one of three primary authors of draft 1.
Tibbitts, F. (2011). Civic and Intercultural Education textbook for Kosovo lower secondary schools. Tibbitts was lead author for the first draft of this pupil textbook, supported by the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities and published by the Kosovo Ministry of Education.
Tibbitts, F. (2010). Learning from Our Experience. Human Rights Education Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit. London: Amnesty International.
Tibbitts, F. (2010). Community Based Paralegal Programs: A Practitioner’ Guide. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative.
UNRWA (2009). Human Rights Education Curriculum, Grades 7-9. Tibbitts was a primary author of the curriculum developed for UNRWA’s Gaza schools.
ODIHR/OSCE, OHCHR, Council of Europe, UNESCO (2009). Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A Compendium of Good Practice. Warsaw: OSCE. Tibbitts was the editor.
Sinclair, M. (in collaboration with L. Davies, A. Obura and F. Tibbitts) (2008). Learning to Live Together: Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education for Life Skills, Citizenship, Peace and Human Rights. Eschborn and Paris: GTZ and UNESCO.
Human Rights Education Associates (2007). Educators’ Guide for Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know. Cambridge, MA. Tibbitts was senior editor.
Belisle, K., and Sullivan, E. (2006). Human Rights and Service Learning. New York and Cambridge: Amnesty International-USA and Human Rights Education Associates. Tibbitts was senior editor.
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (2004). Bill of Rights in Schools (BORIS): A Resource for Post-Primary Schools. Belfast. Tibbitts was on the writing team.
UNESCO (2002). Training Manual on Children’s Rights in China. Tibbitts was primary writer; developed with the Children’s Development Center of China.
Tibbitts, F. (2001). Manual on Street Law-Type Teaching Clinics at Law Faculties: Prepared for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, the Southern Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia. Budapest: Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute.
Tibbitts, F. (1997). Evaluation in the Human Rights Education Sector: Getting Started. The Hague: Netherlands Helsinki Committee.
Tibbitts, F. (1995). Human Rights Education in Schools: Planning for the Future. Handbook for Helsinki Committees. Vienna: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, pp. 6‑8 to 6‑13.
Book Reviews/Editorials/Blogs
Tibbitts, F. (2020). “World Teachers Day: Embracing our Humanity.” Education International. World of Education blog. October 5th.
Tibbitts, F. (2020). DevelopmentAid. In response to question: “Did containment measures in response to the coronavirus crisis violate human rights?”!/news-stream/post/68953/experts-opinions-did-the-containment-measures-in-response-to-the-coronavirus-crisis-violate-human-rights July 20th.
Tibbitts, F. (2020). “Feminization of Human Rights?”. HumanRightsHere blog, Netherlands Network of Human Rights Researchers. June 29th.
Tibbitts, F. (2020). “Coronavirus Curriculum.” Education International Worlds of Education blog.“coronavirus-curriculum”-by-felisa-tibbitts
Tibbitts, F. (2017). Have we made a positive difference? Coyote Magazine, #25. European Union and Council of Europe.
Tibbitts, F. (2017). “Preparing for Difficult Conversations”. Education International “Worlds of Education” blog. July 18.